On streaming services, if you search Charles Hamilton, you'll find a few classics and some modern CH music.
As of March 24th, start searching for C. Hamilton for all new CH music.
This music is not from a gentleman's POV.
This music is not for the faint of heart.
The sound reflects the content, while lambasting those who lambast it.
Almost gangsta.
Far from Punk.
Vampire Music/Nu-Hop
Lithium Soul
Requires more than one listen.
Bump in either headphones or big speakers.
The dirtier, the more refined.
My response to everything from the last 12 years.
I am very proud of this music.
Just Charles
March 17th, 2020
ALL streaming services.
I'll post a link when it's go time.
Taking a slight break to refuel and reload.
See you around.