Meet ~Xarles~

Meet ~Xarles~
New sound, new style, still the same loser.

Aphrodite's Failure (a freewrite)

Pieces of me have become mere memoirs within moments of you.

I find myself putting myself back together

Whilst I tear 

And tear myself apart

Looking at you

From a distance.

My villainous behavior is blamed for my villainous behavior.

To heal from wounds caused by the killer of an open heart

Is the sanctum of a hermit lover.

All I ever wanted to do was fetally lay between the legs of my muse

Wrap my arms around her back.

Love her

Deeper than worship.

Every moment is my last when I am loving her.

Her satisfaction is my survival.

O, to live forever.

I grab my chest.

My pain is love. 

I want to love her too much.

I want to...

I have died from heartbreak.

If not heartbreak, loneliness.

Digging deep within love to find my words. 

I have died again.

All I have is music. 

I cannot write another love song. 

I may stab my heart with my pen.

I may slit my throat as I sing.

I may break my head on the beat.

Why is Love so painful?

Why is my love not enough?

Why is my love never enough?

My love is not ever enough.

I must release this blotch of emotion.

To continue living.

To continue loving.

Fuck you, okay?

You don't see your worth.

You motivate, and kill inspiration. 

With your good deeds.

You feel better?

Leave me alone.

Leave me the fuck alone.

Leave me the FUCK alone.


My body is strung by my spirit.

I can feel no more.

My bones are suffocating. 

My faith is in love.

My faith is dying.

Aphrodite has failed.

Cupid is a businessman.

Chilvalry disgusts the worthy.

This is for the lover in you.



Like I always do at this time...

For starters, this year is starting off GREAT professionally. Many opportunities, many promises, ...all toward the goal of making a living f...