Meet ~Xarles~

Meet ~Xarles~
New sound, new style, still the same loser.

Uncool Christmas.


After being deceived into being put into a permanent mental hospital in Virginia, I managed to make it back to New York.

From there, I had a politician landlord, who was money hungry and attention-starved.
I had very little money, so I used my platform to offer support and endorsement. 
Still he instigated fights and, inevitably, put me out.
During the COVID-19 crisis.

An artist with limited skill and intellect continued and continues to berate and demean me and my talent, only offering praise when he needs said talent to push him forward in life.

I have been in 4-5 temporary houses, being belittled and demerited as an individual everywhere I went.
I have gotten into several physical altercations.

I currently live in an estate where I am the only Negro resident.
Not just on the property, but in the area.
And I am being discriminated against.

Much more to mention, I'm sure, but...

Now I spend Christmas alone.

It doesn't matter how much money I spend or attention I give.

EVERYONE wants something they are too cowardly (read: pussy) to ask for.

The question isn't whether I have it or not.
Even when it is.


Expect graphic and drastic changes in the coming year.

Love rears it's ugly head.

Enjoy your holiday season.



Like I always do at this time...

For starters, this year is starting off GREAT professionally. Many opportunities, many promises, ...all toward the goal of making a living f...