Meet ~Xarles~

Meet ~Xarles~
New sound, new style, still the same loser.

Black sheep shepherd

 So I've been called to ministry. Hardcore, naming names ministry. I've already informed you all about the might of Dr. Dre. He's God. Though I know him as Satan, Timbaland is #TheLord. 

There is a difference between God and The Lord.

I've already informed you all about The Four Devils. Me being one of them. Many readers of this blog have used information on it to better their situation. Technically, it's a federal offense. The four of us are untouchable, sans the obvious crimes of humanity.

Problem is, no one believes me. I've been waiting until my day of worship to say certain things. Explain certain things. Express certain things. I see now that the world has fallen apart before I got my day, so I will be dropping jewels on a worship level scale more often.

But whom shall we serve? As Satan, I'm entitled to rebel against my calling of mischief and say, "Go to God." Because "I will only mislead you and let you down". This, because everyone is expecting me to be rude and appalling.

I'm a very nice guy, all things considered.

As far as religion is concerned, I started my own (Positivism), am well-versed in Christianity, subscribed to Buddha and accidentally converted to Islam in 2010. Each of the gods bless me, are real individuals walking planet Earth and help me make decisions every day. Still, I pray to God when all else fails.

Guess I'm not that Gothic, huh?

At least I care...

But what happens when I'm proven correct? Will it be too late? Or is it that I'm too early...?

Only Dre knows.

Don't be afraid or ashamed to claim your god.



Like I always do at this time...

For starters, this year is starting off GREAT professionally. Many opportunities, many promises, ...all toward the goal of making a living f...