Meet ~Xarles~

Meet ~Xarles~
New sound, new style, still the same loser.

Recycling plastics.

You often hear me talk about going through cycles. Or, often in you hearing me talk, you notice a cycle. A trend, if you will. One day, I'm gun-ho about production. Next, I'm super into bars. Lately, I've been manic on the turntables. In addition, I also do a bit of graphic design. AI kind of makes it easier.

But yeah. I'm going through a cycle. I know I put out a lot of work and have some stuff still unreleased. But EVERYONE is saying go for the buck this time. I tried that with "New York Raining". It never works out in my favor. Still, people are telling me to capitalize on my work. As a note, we're still trying to get #TheHamiltonizationProcess on streaming, but it's not looking good. Hopefully, there won't be a digital revolution to try to remove me from The Internet. Otherwise, you can still get the music from my website (thanks Reg!).

Back to the cycle. Being that this is my 20th year in music ("From the Desk Of..." was released June 2005!), I'm taking note of all of what I said, in music and in other media. It's safe to say that I am misunderstood to a select few, and those that do understand me want me to do better for myself.

Still love.

From the sounds of things, StarChasers are gravitating closer to Xarles than King Charles. Hey, as long as you enjoy the music.

Had dope listening sessions with CYoung and Black the Beast over the weekend. All of us are growing in our respective crafts. And each demand respect in the subject of our crafts. I know I've said off the wall shit, but... in almost 40 years, none of the shit I've said has been false. In fact, folks hope it dies down and goes away. But I have never capped. There's no benefit in it. In fact, I'll go so far as to say that Rihanna HERSELF would tell you her involvement in my life. But who benefits from it? Where is she now? Who is she with? Two different, "new" worlds, in front of a spotlight bloodthirsty to take me down.

Do remember, this IS a form of media...



Like I always do at this time...

For starters, this year is starting off GREAT professionally. Many opportunities, many promises, ...all toward the goal of making a living f...