Meet ~Xarles~

Meet ~Xarles~
New sound, new style, still the same loser.

Dying in #TheAfterlife

So the speaker I was using for my YouTube lives costs $30 on Amazon. Geez, I need some sort of steady income. Everyone suggests merch and stuff, but the concept doesn't sit well with me. I have some t-shirt and polo ideas, I just gotta execute them. I really just want to live purely off my music. Not so much making "commercial" music, but making GOOD music and putting it in the commercial marketplace. I used to buy ads, and that REALLY gave me a push. They're just EXPENSIVE. 

I think the next time I go live, I'll be in the studio. Same studio as before. Let's just hope the wifi will work.

I've been getting rave reviews on Live @12: The Album. I do want to give you guys a more polished (?) album before I consider taking another mental health break. My reality is/has been augmented by expectations and desires. I stop short of wishing I was Drake sometimes. If you know, you know, but it's hard knowing you should've been where someone else currently is. And people never fail to remind me of it. 

Neither here nor there.

I really want to get my livestream back up and running. That was the MAIN way I was making money from music. Not to mention, y'all got a chance to take a look at my creative process.

But, you can still donate!

CashApp: $thephenom718

Every dollar counts, and goes right back into the music.

And for those asking about music hitting streaming, I'm working on something. I know, I always say that. But apparently streaming services like Spotify are lightening up with their sample clearance thing. So here goes nothin...



Like I always do at this time...

For starters, this year is starting off GREAT professionally. Many opportunities, many promises, ...all toward the goal of making a living f...