The King Charles Era

The King Charles Era
New sound, new style, still the same loser.

King Charles Hamilton! King Charles the Hamilton!

A critical analysis of #KingCharles and his domain(s)

Uploading: 49125 of 213223 bytes uploaded.

King Ivo the Robotnik: ruler of Atari and all things Roswell discovered

Uploading: 81875 of 120991 bytes uploaded.

King Sonic the Great!: the face and franchise of SEGA, the alien race set to rule Earth

Uploading: 114625 of 153320 bytes uploaded.

King Togepi the Pokemon: the babyface AND heel of Nintendo (check his attributes)

Also consider this a CH hack into AI artwork, as an unnamed StarChaser VOLUNTARILY created these, by request and description of me. They also created the Satan v. God images that appear sparingly on this blog.

Like right here...:

Uploading: 98250 of 226282 bytes uploaded.


lol @ Obamaphones

With NO data left on my phone, I decided to blog (just now). Wouldn't you know it? The damn thing is running fast. Let's see how long this holds up...

I've been more into sampling soul records as of late. As fine tuned as each note is, and as advanced as each chord progression is, there is a bit of freedom in these records. Or maybe it's the soul's wishes for equality and liberation... regardless, I feel the records I've been blessed with and to find are capturing moments reserved for a midlife crisis.

Or a meltdown.

But Rock usually fucks me up, too. I remember when I made "The Suicidal 6". I was ...rather high. And daring ANYONE... PARTICULARLY AND ESPECIALLY J Dilla (with his alive ass!)... to jump in and find the meaning. From the location I produced it to the location I recorded it.

Man, James Brown deserves his damn flowers.

I recommend y'all take a listen to The James Brown Masterpiece,  as well as The Second James Brown Masterpiece: #OMD.


Center of Attention

Produced in 2007.
Was supposed to be a sequel to "Devil In A Light Pink Dress".
Recorded at home.

Just a workout.
And a robbery of the general public.

Raise your left index up to understand.

If you don't get it, you're too lost to say "ouch".

I'm outside!!!!!!!

lol in a lil bit. I got music to make!

Lyrics coming soon.



I am only on the internet for a little while (I'm using Josh Pastel's iPhone hotspot), so I have to address everything in this post. 

As fast as I can.

I haven't had a chance to see the StarChaser Central Podcast's review of "Mastery: The Love Album". To give some insight, it's dedicated to Shantel, the girl I left to mix and mingle in FDA. She went to Lehman HS, and we started dating after I was suspended from the high school system (Board of Education). Long story short, I did her wrong and I am humbled by her wanting to stay in communication with me. But our relationship was based on DOOM and ill-fated friendships and relationships. 

Just like my relationship with Jimmy Iovine. Except, I didn't do SHIT to Jimmy. Except not speak up when I saw his staff was talking shit about him behind his back.

I am SO PROUD of Alchemist for winning Producer and DJ of the Year at the BET Hip-Hop Awards. I know where you're at creatively, so I know how you feel, but... take a second and pop your collar for the people!

More to say, but internet is soooo far away for me. Call me lazy, I just don't want to open my self up to being hacked. Then again, MacBooks don't get hacked. They break. If ever they break.

So shouts to Apple.

I miss y'all, man
I might go live in a lil bit... on IG.

Instagram: @thtlntdmrhmltn


"Is he still King?!"

You got it, Mr. Roboto...

 It turns out my multi-port deck was over loaded. I got my Scarlett and Numark plugged into my post, and that's taking power away from my drives.

Hold on. Let me check the others.

(delays post)

well, it looks like my oldest drive (11/10/2014) has passed away. She held it down for TEN YEARS. I don't know external Terabytes to last for 10 years.

(tries other hard drive)

My 6-year old shows up in the Disk Utility, but is slow to mount itself onto the ...I guess, desktop?

Regardless, I got 1 of my drives to work.

Keep it on the low, but my old MacBook (the one I got from Markus/HamilVision) is up and running. I just need a mouse, a multi-USB port and... a HUGE, powered, multi-Terabyte hard drive. 

My apartment looks like Best Buy.
It's best I keep the company to a minimum.

NEW HOME PLATE! (what up, LA!)

Still the same loser.

"Is he still King?"

Alleycat Morals

As an update, I finally got around to getting a (temporary) phone situation. I can at least blog, check socials and email. But I missed a lot of important things in the span of 3 days.


All I can ask is that you, StarChasers, keep up with EVERYTHING. Just in case I lose it all. 
But yeah man. That has me pretty bummed out. I may have to resort to YouTube for samples. Or do like I did with The Pink Lavalamp and sample what I'm familiar with.

Regardless, you will not be alone this holiday season.



So DJ Enjetic, my new manager (hit him up!) said that it's crunch time!, and that I need to make stronger records. I wouldn't argue, but no one has really heard what I'm working on this year. And the one record I allowed to hit the surface ("She Smiled [For Once]") has a buzz behind it. I think the strength of a record can only be gaged with time. 

Usually the songs you like right away, you end up not liking in the long haul.

I don't se myself making another "New York Raining". That seems to be what's in demand. High-pressure love songs. My love interest is drifting away, my --Aliens! are getting married at a rapid rate... love isn't the kindest thing to me these days. I can almost blame myself. But I've been having a tough time with love since... lol damn. It's been ROUGH for almost 20 years!

Just keep being patient. I got the music. If it's not for everyone, it's for my StrChsrs.


Presidential beefs

 Bush is who first implemented the "free phone" program. Obama put it under his name. Trump is talking about cutting the program if he gets re-elected. Harris has no clue what's going on.

It's bad enough Obama stole my dream of being the first Black president. Now I can't utilize the free phone program? Trump, though i endorse you, I BEG you not to destroy the free phone program. The phone, its hotspot and the apps are THE ONLY WAY I communicate to the outside world.

If it isn't clear, my free "Obama"phone got turned off today, OUT OF NOWHERE. Usually, you have to make a call within 30 days to keep the service on. I WAS USING THE PHONE LAST NIGHT! Something's up.

Stick around until the holiday season, nevertheless. I got some goodies in my sleigh. 


All the people you fucking know...

 So this is one of my favorite songs. By anyone. Ever. And the meaning is so dense, it can be feasted on for years to come.

Basically, Harlem has an unspoken heroin problem. And P. Diddy knows about and has capitalized upon it. When I look(ed) at Harlem River as I wrote the song, all I can see is overdosed bodies floating to the top and dope baggies with the Bad Boy logo on them.

Instead of feeling bad, I adopted Harlem's aggressive, yet carefree attitude to provide 3 verses of opioid-flavored fun. I hope you enjoy this song as much as I do.

Shouts to Modest Mouse/Curtis Mayfield.

If you know, you're still learning.


Cali connect

After last night's review of music, I can honestly say in open and up to collaboration. We can discuss a budget, but really it's about the chemistry.

For example, today's session.

A kid named Dylan. I met him through Josh Pastel, who would join me on live sometimes while at the 2nd halfway house. Dylan is a longtime listener who was waiting in the wings to collab.

We're working together today. On what? Who knows. But it's good for me to get out the house. Especially if I'm collaborating with someone from Hell's Gate (LA).

More to say, more to be seen.

Stay tuned!!!



A critical analysis of #KingCharles and his domain(s)

King Ivo the Robotnik: ruler of Atari and all things Roswell discovered King Sonic the Great!: the face and franchise of SEGA, the alien rac...