The King Charles Era

The King Charles Era
New sound, new style, still the same loser.

King Charles Hamilton! King Charles the Hamilton!

The Curse of The Hollywood Curse

So here I am, with big names in small bodies. With big talent and small resources. With major status and a song in A minorrrrrrr... and all I can think to myself is, "How many people would think I'm lying?" 

Let's look at my track record:
  • I told the world I was dating Rihanna, to only be greeted by Rihanna at the airport. Those around us at the time knew how volatile things got, but the mystery didn't go unresolved.
  • I tell people I am spiritually connected to J Dilla. I always get laughed at about it. I now just refer to "Time: The Donut of The Heart" and just stfu.
  • I deny any relations with the likes of Beyonce and Nicki Minaj when asked about it VERBALLY. For further insight into whatever Bey, NM and self have, take a look at the "Feelin' Myself" video. Preferably with a good blunt in your system.
  • I was not worshipped on December 21st, 2012. Instead of being at The Great Pyramid of Giza, I was in the studio. Recording "Catholic Illuminati: V2k12"
Four VALID points, with the counter-argument, there for you to digest.

So here, I offer a curse.
use this to reveal mysteries in your own life.
in the bathroom, with the light on, look in the mirror and say:

This is not my destiny.
This is not my time.
You are standing next to me,
Blinding me with shine.
So I'm binding you with hope.
Yoking you to quit.
You are someone else I know.
I don't know who it is.


so mote it be.

after you say this chant, cut the lights in the bathroom out.
keep looking in the mirror.
you should hear the chant in your head, but do it again (non-verbally) in the mirror.
after the voices subside, leave the bathroom.


up late.

The meds make me acknowledge my depression, and allow me to work passed it. Which is good. And I did some recording tonight. VERY satisfied with the outcome. I think I can deal with these things. I just have to watch the scenarios of which I'm depressed in. At the halfway house, it's giving away too many cigs and lighting n-ggas up (weed). I feel my peoples at the house are becoming too dependent on me. If I had it to spare, it wouldn't be a problem. Alas, I don't, and I'm not able to afford the things I want.

I still love these guys tho, ya know? We're all in the sam predicament. Psych cases with violent felonies. None of us want smoke with the other. And we are all very supportive. So maybe my last few cigs going to Dave who talks to himself isn't a loss. We support each other here. Same thing at House 649. Except there, we were under the watchful eye of #JohnnyLaw. 

I can understand why the guys from there aren't making an effort to stay in touch. Plus, from what I've heard, a few of my guys from 649 got arrested again. Sad to hear.

Don't worry. I'm staying out of jail.
Just don't call me pussy when you see me trying to deescalate a situation.

Late nite LA.
making beats in the backyard.



I was 2 days off my monthly shot, and noticed how much work I've done and how much rest I needed. I got my shot today, and don't feel like doing SHIT. 

I don't like this feeling.

I am still VERY hungry for the glory.

At the same time, I don't want to repeat myself.also at the same time, I've noticed my influence is at an all-time high. I also feel I've sparked the creative flame in Common, Nas, Ghostface, Pete Rock and DJ Premier.

 I talk about this all the time with Chris Rivera. My influence and overall motivation got everyone going. The real ones, at least. 

Hip-Hop is VERY competitive and cutthroat nowadays. I've had my throat slit a few times. By some big names that swear they support me. I'm over it. All I know is, I put it THE FUCK DOWN with the beats and bars, and my mixing is becoming bar none.

You're either proud of me or hating at this point.

Thank you to all my StarChasers who bear with my medded up self. I got some surprises I'm cooking up. And yes, they are taking FOREVER to put me in my apartment. Apparently, me sleeping outside in The Sun with a cigarette in my hand is a problem for the building owners. Yet I only test positive for THC. 

They just don't wanna give up the apartment that easy.

"But hey. What else can I say? I love LA!"
-Dr. Dre, "Crack A Bottle"


Feds takin' pictures pt. 2

I'm already sure that my mother would be upset if she knew I served ANOTHER jail sentence. ESPECIALLY for what it's for. But if I get locked up over FREE MUSIC, I don't know what she would think.

I've already gotten warnings from the halfway houses I've been at, concerning the content of the music I been making in them. "Don't get too boisterous" was one of the warnings. They threatened to search my laptop for the master session files, because they couldn't believe they were real songs. 

They also know I'm a witch.
I think I'm on their radar. Don't you?

Fuck that. I'm takin' the Shady route. You want me? Come get me! I ain't doin' nothin that you would know about. Or would NEED to know about. It all comes out as music at the end of the day. So, peacefully and kindly, suck it.

On a lighter note, I thought I lost the above picture.
Shouts to Sha-leik. Search his name in Spotify.
Tell him that I sent ya.


Feds takin' pictures.

 I just woke up from a wack as dream. Basically, I got arrested for making free music with sampling. I was charged with Racketeering, Bootlegging, and Disturbing the Peace (for riotous music). 

Facing 20 years.

Yo.. If you like the music, let me know. If you LOVE the music, let me know. Y'all BEEN letting me know you hate the music. Look, all I'm trying to say is, the risk is not greater than the reward if the audience isn't pleased. And I know I been giving you ALL of me. 

I'm just a lil shook up. Holla at me in a few hours.


Princess Incest 0fficial lyrics

(verse 1)
My motto in life. Never mind if I got a bottle of mine. Followed by a model. She wanna be as high as I am. I'm on the highest island. Why ya tryin'? No denying why I'm wilding. Gotta get down. There's prophecies around. Hottest beats. Hottest little season. Maybe it's sage. Consider it rage from Baby. I'm gettin' down like a seed. I grow up in just a matter of time. Cats get pissed 'cause I rhyme like a seed. And I'm fasting with 9. Yeah, it's a 9 now! Dare niggas try to find out now. Go ahead. Watch the flick. I'm chilling with my daughter. Doing the opposite.

Look, but
don't touch.

Look, but
don't touch.

Look, but
don't touch.

I said, "Look, but
don't touch."

(verse 2)
She's angry with me, 'cause I been hanging with beasts. Being all peace and peaceful-like, knowing that i need the mic. I say things that'll start a fight with no end. Are you writing or quoting? If you quote, who knows? Dare you to go. Judo. Too close to the zone. Who knows what a poem is about? Ungh. Written in emotion. I'm like a po' Em (poem). You know it. And that's dope, kid. You don't know where I'm going? Wherever I want! Traveling faster than a feather in a blunt.

Look, but
don't touch.

Look, but
don't touch.

Look, but
don't touch.

I said, "Look, but
don't touch."

(verse 3)
I hit the j (Jay) like Solange. You know how I do. I'm on a song. I ain't even tryna get on your thong. Just listen to this: what's wrong? Just by listening to this, all of that shit could be gone. Just let me know how nice you are. 'Cause I don't have to write a bar. Cats understand and feel. Lightning, where you stand. So chill. I got a handsome grill. All I'm tryna do is dance and chill. Ungh! Not standing still. I'm in the courtroom. I don't need to be there! Not my fault! Cash, coming as a reward soon...!

Look, but
don't touch.

Look, but
don't touch.

Look, but
don't touch.

I said, "Look, but
don't touch."

In music, Baby is code for Charles Hamilton, Jr. (me)
Horrorcore music aims specifically for daughters/little girls. I'm trying to redefine it.

Though The Hamilton Family has practiced incest, I am working at breaking the curse. I don't want to subject my daughters to ridicule.

Hope you enjoyed!!!!



Indoor Jungle 0fficial lyrics

(verse 1)
Ungh! I got my soul in my backpack. Something you don't need to laugh at. Runnin' w/ homies with mad cracks and viles. And I have to get down. I ain't snitchin'! Y'all niggas innocent! I take all that! Hit me with a ball bat. And y'all niggas ain't listening! Matter fact, just fall back. Let me overdose on my own with the dope I supplied you. I'm the supplier. I hope I didn't lie to you. I know a bitch that sniffed 6 kis and got an attitude with me. And I didn't deck her... I let her overdose. "Fuck it. You owe me. One of these day's you'll blow me." I just OD'd. Just like you. Back to the future. What the fuck did I do?

I wanna take my pills
and go to sleep.
Do you mind?

I wanna wake up with chills as I walk the street.
I don't mind.


I don't mind.

(verse 2)
Damn it, Hamilton is like Gambit. Go ahead and deal. I'm ahead of what you feel. All the shit I get. UPS is like, "Kiss my grits!". No packages. Just attitudes, and niggas laughin' at the kid. So I pop my pill, like mama said to do. "Mama, I'm ahead of you (spiritually)!" I died with the first Lithium pill. Dumb real with the skill. Dumb ill. Not sick, just in a cockpit, and not knowing how to drive this shit. I mean, fly. So I cock back what in the cockpit of the holster... nigga, it's all over. Columbine Gang. "If I get decked, I'ma take all of the sky's respect. You heard?!"

I wanna take my pills
and go to sleep.
Do you mind?

I wanna wake up with chills as I walk the street.
I don't mind.


I don't mind.

(verse 3)
Overweight flow. Ugly Betty. 'smore to HchO. You know how that go... no more am I steady. Ugly Betty. Forget it. I'm regretting it. lol. Never forget it, then. Better than ever, whenever. Never will I behead a friend. So be a friend. I see about 3 of them. 144,000 will get saved. Put a switchblade on The Bible and that does not even matter in this sick age. Keep your distance, Paige! Shit... no I (Eye) for Me, no Iovine, no i in Apple..., no I in team, so I'm alone in the grapple.

I wanna take my pills
and go to sleep.
Do you mind?

I wanna wake up with chills as I walk the street.
I don't mind.


I don't mind.


I think my logic speaks for itself.


Healthcare in Hell

I have a practice now. It involves God, The Lord, Jesus and Satan. I got close to ALL FOUR in my last blunt session.  I'm not entitled to tell you the details. Just know that I am back in tune with myself.

One of my StarChasers is insisting that I "get away with murder" with my songs. That I haven't been "super Rapping", but "the songs make up for it". That was kinda my goal around 2014. I wanted the SONGS to be the standout. His example was "The Evil Microchip". Well, let's break it down:

  1. I am The All Seeing Eye. You can hear, taste, feel and smell everything I do.
  2. As The All Seeing Eye, I am The Creator.
  3. As The Creator, I'm not sure how I feel about people being injected with a microchip that has all their information in it. Nor am I sure how I feel about people being barcoded for an "easier shopping experience".
  4. The album "The Evil Microchip" was the antithesis of "African Child Pornography", in that it took a positive approach to handling matters of the world at large. "African Child Pornography" was The Creator's way of saying "I don't give a fuck; dooit!".
To express these thoughts requires bravery and ACTUAL EXPERiENCES. Both of which I display and talk about. Do I need to remind you that I thought I was being raped in a Harlem apartment by folks who subconsciously implied that they are higher ups in The Illuminati? I was scared, angry, lonely and ready to fight at all times. I used that rage to make music. 

Maybe I repeated myself a lot. I know I exhausted the concept of being a Goth. My reasoning? NO ONE CLAIMS GOTH SUBCULTURE, BUT WANTS TO CAPITALIZE ON IT (fashion, sounds, etc.)!. My Goths know and understand the fight. It's not over until EVERYWHERE looks like a Gothic village!

But I never slipped up. Meaning, I never fell off. I inverted my style to make the song more enjoyable.

Alas, this is just me talking. See for yourself!:

I'll be around.


Because the Internet 0fficial lyrics

(verse 1)
I acknowledge the power of magick. You grasp it?! Fuckin faggot. I actually enjoy rapping. Everyone's getting on my last nerve. Stop touching me! And don't fuck with me! I don't care about luxury. I just want my chick. It was Chuck and me, but then she decided to do some other sheet. I mean, shit. I mean... look at this shit! What, shite? Nutty Professor, when I fuck my chick at night! Mad fat. In her ass crack. And that's a doom. What happened to... THAT boy? The dude who was afraid of doom, but was rapping because "Hey! It was to assume that I didn't enjoy being in doom!". Plus I got people in my room, viewing me. It's you and me, Mr. I-Don't-Like-Life. And I'm the guy who I need to be on the mic...

Madder, because of magick,
and I don't want you to have it!
Madder, because of magick!
My flow is automatic.
Madder, because of magick.
Do you want me sadder?!
Abra-FUCKING-cadabra!, nigga.


(verse 2)
Everyone's going nuts, but I castrate rap. Lacerate rap. Have a bacon stick of that. Not a stick of bacon. A strip. As in, "Mind your fuckin' business, Business!". Why is everyone paying attention, when I wasn't the one saying some shit that had everybody losing their mind? WHAT and THAT! You can't take that shit the fuck back! I said it on the mic, now anyone else is biting! And I said that, without writing! Fine. Lately I write my hooks down. And I don't have to look down. But when I do it, I'm the one looking stupid. On this microphone, I'm the nicest, and I hone in to my zone. But this mic belongs to Spud. Charles belongs to love, and Charles is in love with a chick in a thong.

Madder, because of magick,
and I don't want you to have it!
Madder, because of magick!
My flow is automatic.
Madder, because of magick.
Do you want me sadder?!
Abra-FUCKING-cadabra!, nigga.


(verse 3)
Get your story straight, before your story gets straight. Shorty BEEN straight. More than a sensei. I bench weight. Like I'm moving coke. A lot people are wishing I was still thinking about a UFO reunion. So, here we go. Can I get them green guys back? I seem alive, in fact, when I rap. But I climax inside of some chick and can't get my vibe back. And then she killed herself. My vibe is dead. And I'm nice from the head. And I ain't gotta write. But, instead, just to impress, I let muthafuckas know I am too stressed to be blessed. Now, what a fuckin mess did I said. Instead me being so messy in my head, let's bring all of those shadows into the light. And see who's an asshole, or who wants to battle and fight.


Are you listening?

...came before this...

I think Mr. Mathers is listening. And as much as the world may hate it, we need each other.

Cheers to you, Mr. Mathers, son. lol

Let me cook something up in the meantime...


Favorite Rapper Debates

I don't know who your favorite rapper is, if it isn't me. Technically, I don't care.


Ya man can go from one of 4 personalities with ease, and tell you the story of each, in one song! Damn near IN ONE BAR!!!

I hope to impress you guys the way Eminem impressed me. BIG shouts to Slim Shady.

MUCH success to you, my friend.
I see you, Jimmy! lol



A critical analysis of #KingCharles and his domain(s)

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