Meet ~Xarles~

Meet ~Xarles~
New sound, new style, still the same loser.

The future of Hamilton (Comma) Charles

I can easily wrap up this catalog with Comma. It's lengthy, but POTENT. But I'm not a quitter. And I have a lot of music left to make. Going by the name Hamilton, Charles put SO MUCH in perspective. And producing as The Talented Mr. Hamilton allowed me to have FUN again. Not to say I wasn't having fun before (I had a BLAST producing Hypergoth!), but these projects have a particular DJ/party vibe to them. And the beats are simple, yet dope enough to rap to. That's why I dropped the instrumentals.

I got a lot off my chest with these albums. I also learned a lot about myself during the recording process. By request of Cecelia (FDAlien, Class of 2005), I have one more joint lined up. It's called "Flat Tire". She picked the title. Not sure why, but she's MEGA intelligent and likely has a dichotomy she wishes to share.

I just hope she's willing to explain the title to EVERYONE, AT THE SAME TIME.

I'm going for it. If you ever dropped a song or album, from the beginning of time/the recording process to now, I'm on yo ass. Any genre. 

The house will be mine.

If you aren't going for #TheHouse, stay out the studio and stay outta my way.

Here, nigga. 
The gloves is off.
The love is done.
It's whatever, whenever, HOWever, nigga.




Like I always do at this time...

For starters, this year is starting off GREAT professionally. Many opportunities, many promises, ...all toward the goal of making a living f...