Meet ~Xarles~

Meet ~Xarles~
New sound, new style, still the same loser.

A New Stranger (a blogpost/poem)

I've been addicted to you since we smiled at each other in high school. You were taken, if I'm not mistaken. Yet thing were never as they seemed. We knew we belonged to each other. All we needed was the opportunity. When the time was right, we indulged. And it was good. But neither of us were ready for the pressure of pleasure. 

If I could only have spent the night.

Time passed.
I devolved.

You blossomed.

I'm proud of who you've become. And I can't say I'm bitter. Just lonely. Your taste was the sweetest sangria. Your touch was the wettest silk. I couldn't get you out of my head. Everything reminded me of you. Everyone fell short to your allure.

Hard times.

These times have passed.
I'm not mad at you. I don't hate you. I'm just tired of wanting more of you. I can't have you the way you gave yourself to me. And I can't get mad at that. 

All I can do is what I spent today doing.

Moving on.

I moved on.
Don't make this harder on me.

Don't spark these feelings back up. I can't afford the weight.

Just be the Aphrodite I know you to be. 
We can still talk. We can still be friends. 

But that alleyway is too dark to embark on the path of again.

Thank you.
Thank you for listening.
Thank you for kissing.
Thank you for embracing me.

I'll be on my way, now...

"This morning, King Charles..."


Like I always do at this time...

For starters, this year is starting off GREAT professionally. Many opportunities, many promises, ...all toward the goal of making a living f...