Meet ~Xarles~

Meet ~Xarles~
New sound, new style, still the same loser.

Celebrities and The King

I've tweeted about this, but yeah. You celebrity niggas are hilarious. 

Let me break it down.

Apparently, the bigger you are as a celebrity, the more inclined you are to be exposed to a certain type of knowledge. Knowledge of self, they say. Well, once you learn it, you are someone obliged to "give back". Whether it's your community or society as a whole. You learn how to be like water. Taking form of whatever the situation is.

Many celebrities have taken form as StarChasers. 
It's safe to say that I'm your favorite rapper's favorite rapper.

The problem is, they come to me (in other forms) with their questions and their problems, and expect me to have certain answers. The answer is addressed to WHO I SEE THEM TO BE, FIRST. When they get bewildered or call themselves calling me out for not acknowledging their "super power", I address the answer to the celebrity. Then they act dumb. Then I call them out for the celebrity that I see them to be and they immediately cite my mental health.

It causes an argument every time.

An argument that I'm learning how to defuse.

Listen. I'm shy like you. But I do have answers. If you want answers, come as you are to get the truth. If you're having fun at and about my mental health, fuck you. I'll catch you when you least expect it. 

Then I'm hit with another reality.

Many celebrities are female. Despite the gender they portray in the media.

So now I gotta be chivalrous and masochistic.

Look, I'm dealing with it. Don't make it harder on me. I have my own career to be worried about. And it doesn't look like you're going to help me with that. So either love me, or leave me alone.

I think celebrities feel they're on the path to Heaven.
I already am in Hell.

We meet on Earth.

Again and again.

"I'm outside!!!"


Like I always do at this time...

For starters, this year is starting off GREAT professionally. Many opportunities, many promises, ...all toward the goal of making a living f...