Meet ~Xarles~

Meet ~Xarles~
New sound, new style, still the same loser.

Children of #TheKingdom

I listen to The Universe. That's how I found out I have children. However, until their mother's reveal to me themselves that my children are in existence, I don't claim on paperwork that I have children. Still, I have paternal instincts, and there are key signs that certain individuals are my children. 

I've named names before. I'm more interested in the REAL names, not the stage names.

I thought their mother named them Danjer and Crazh, but no. It's Danger (with a -g) and Crash (with an -s). Tomorrow is definitely here. So is Thelonious, Toddler, Titus and Tokya. Once again, it's up to their respective mothers to clarify or debunk.

Still, I love them to no end. I'm running out of words to describe my love. Bear with me.



Like I always do at this time...

For starters, this year is starting off GREAT professionally. Many opportunities, many promises, ...all toward the goal of making a living f...