Meet ~Xarles~

Meet ~Xarles~
New sound, new style, still the same loser.

Spilt milk.

Normally, I would just post an episode of StarChaser Central Podcast and let anyone dissect what's being said. And generally, whether good or bad review, I accept the review and use it to improve myself. Stik and Mike are good people and their opinion is to be trusted. 

However, I can't accept this review.

ElecXmas got a Robotnik rating, which is the lowest rating you can give a project (according to the SCCP rubric). 

The details aren't given.
I sampled Curtis Mayfield's "Roots" album, as well as a few Depesche Mode songs. It was the 3rd part of a series where I bear my soul in Elektro, for the sake of saving Hip-Hop. The whole album was filmed by StarBaddie, of whom most of the love songs were about. I was STILL a part of the system, as I was being held at a halfway house. Yes, StarChasers paid for the album. 

Mike Jackson said he didn't like that I exhausted "Gothic Bug", "Gotham Bug", "Gotham Doug" and "Gothic Doug" (from "Gettin' the It"). Well, Doug Morris is a HIGH ranking executive in the music business. He also happens to love my music. We ALSO have a mutual friend, in Jimmy Iovine.

Stik wasn't a fan of the singing on the album. To be expected, really. You either sing every note with passion or get someone else to do it. I just feel like they OVER-listened to it, finding whatever flaws they can to detract from the album. It's like this... NO ONE MAKES THE MUSIC I MAKE. And if they do, it's AFTER THEY HEARD THE MUSIC I MAKE. I think the novelty factor is what they're forgetting about. Key word: novelty. 
Like Disco Duck.

It's not even a weed or liquor thing at this point. HAVE FUN, when you listen to my music. I'm not DoeChii. The effort you see isn't visual. All musical. 
But then again, when is too much not enough?

We'll find out on the next episode of StarChaser Central Podcast.

And Stik and Mike, don't take my response to y'all video as some kind of hate. I love you guys. I just know more about the music than I'm alluding to. I want to SEE what you guys have to say about the music, before I SAY what there is to see.

See & Say!

And yeah, the artwork is fire.




I don't know what I would do without you. yet you're so common. So down to Earth. It's unbelievable. You know and break down thi...