Meet ~Xarles~

Meet ~Xarles~
New sound, new style, still the same loser.

The Chronicles of Superdad

Nothing official.
Nothing legal.

Only signs from TheUniverse.

I feel I will be with my children soon.

More than happy about it.

The problem:
I have to feed, clothe and house them.

I have no steady income or place to stay.

Their mothers make more than me and have great living conditions.
They just, truth be told, are unfit mothers.

I am only one man.
With insecurities out of this world.

Being "in tune with my feminine side" can lead to conflicts for and with my sons.
Being "a nigga" or "a real nigga" is toxic, in many ways, for my daughter.

As much as I can teach and with all the love I have... and as bad as my children need me in their life... they need both parents.

Individuals who grew up without both parents are unbalanced.
That's the last thing I want my children to exist as.

The grind is major.

If I do end up with custody of my children, less music may be made.
I've accepted that to be the case years ago.
I've laced you all with lifetimes and anthologies of heat.

Like..., yo.

Tomorrow was a hyper-planned pregnancy.
Even with me not trusting her mother fully.

Danjer is a blessing of a miracle baby.
I faced impotency from the psych meds I had to take.

Crazh is wild, but only I know his fragility.
I must be there for him.
Help him understand who HE is.

I somewhat have enough love for myself to not need validation, but this self-love came AFTER they were born.
Who knows what bitter thoughts and emotions (toward me) my children hold?

I love you, #Teamsters.
You come first in my life.

No question.

We gon make it.
We gon make it.

=The Immortal=


Like I always do at this time...

For starters, this year is starting off GREAT professionally. Many opportunities, many promises, ...all toward the goal of making a living f...