In a time where business is uncertain and culture is commonplace, the music industry has suffered immensely. The traditional Jamaican SoundClash has been (unfortunately) industrialized, throwing eyes and blowing highs. There is no #in fashion. Television is simply social media. Everyone either talks like a Bumpkin or is StraightOuttaBrooklyn (sp.?).
Music, in it's natural form, has been hurt.
As The Talented Mr. Hamilton, you can expect projects from Charles Hamilton, C. Hamilton, #Jr. Charles Hamilton, Jr., The Talented Mr. Hamilton (himself) and Charles Hamilton Unknown (#TheeUnknown).
Though officiality still pending, you can expect #HamiltonWork with 9th Wonder, The Alchemist, MF DOOM, Samiyam, DiBia$e, Jonwayne, DJH2, Bred Wondah, Kev Brown, Tru Master, and, of course, StarChasers.
This is a progressive step in the direction of Woodstock, Hamiltonized (an all CHamilton-and-CHamilton-related festival) and #Kindergarten, the CH-stageshow-musical. The former being self-explanatory, the latter to be revealed.
Many thanks to my lawyer Isaac Hayes of The Hamilton-Marshall Firm, my manager Rod Sterling and The State of New York for facilitating 10+ years of hard work.
More music and videos to come.
Thank you.