Meet ~Xarles~

Meet ~Xarles~
New sound, new style, still the same loser.

A prisoner's synopsis of #TheGame.

 No, I am not addressing the rapper Game's diss on Em. I think Em can stand for himself. Em in mind, Music To Be Murdered By is his best album since Relapse. I personally think Relapse is/was a classic, Recovery was a hit (he killed the beats, the beats wanted to shine on their own) and Revival lacked Dr. Dre (thus taking away the quality we know and love from Em; alas, he did it on Recovery, so...).

Aside from blood relations, Anderson .Paak is the only new artist I'm checking for. Both Em and .Paak are on Dre's roster. Anyway... I don't think anyone on the past few XXL covers are holding the mic right. Threatening and talking about street violence isn't the same as actually telling stories you've been through. Storytelling in mind, no one makes music you can sing along to. It's pretty sad. If you sing along to my music, you run the risk of physically turning into me. 

Is that what you want to do?

Sex is the furthest thing on my mind. But it's all you see in mainstream media. That being said, I am guiltless about what I would do to Chloe Bailey. I'd marry Halle Bailey. And Shenseea is no good for me. I stopped flirting with Halle Berry, Sasheer Zamata, Kash Doll, ...a few others. I'm just not as invested in being with anyone at the moment. 

I'm stuck being a Browns fan. We miss you, Baker Mayfield. I can never jump ship on The Indians, but their The Guardians now and that trips me out.

Speaking of trips, I plan to get a pair of Tripps pants. And a new pink button down dress shirt. Particularly Oxford. Don't bite until you taste it, ya heard?

Still the question lingers... "what if I AM Sonic?"



Like I always do at this time...

For starters, this year is starting off GREAT professionally. Many opportunities, many promises, ...all toward the goal of making a living f...