Meet ~Xarles~

Meet ~Xarles~
New sound, new style, still the same loser.

All Automatic

 This post may piss of my StarChasers. I appreciate your loyalty, despite how many people I put before me. Which, technically, is everyone. But yeah. This is a post where I talk about people taller and more famous than me.

I think I made it clear that I am a Stan. I am a HUGE Eminem fan. From '99 up to late 2020. Everything he does, I find to be divine and awesome. He's pissed off gays, women and closed-minded Black people. 3 groups of people that led to immense pain, rage and anger from me. I felt the song "Stan" was dedicated to me, because I wrote him and Dr. Dre a LONG letter when I was in 6th grade. I also have had a long bout with depression and suicide since toddler-hood. Em's black heart (be it evil or Negro) means a lot to me. He's an awesome father, a wonderful leader, a proud student and WICKED with his craft. My favorite Eminem song is "Rock Bottom". Let my mother tell it, we grew up middle class. Mom nigga, we was po'. You worked hard, I worked hard, the rent got paid. And she HATED Eminem. I had to sneak copies of EVERY album of his in the house, up until about 11th grade (FDA). And FDA HATES Eminem. That always led to a rift between us.

From white to black, I'd like to introduce you to my new idol.

9th Wonder.

Without saying a word, 9th speaks volumes. His beats/productions are soulful enough for a cookout, yet rigid enough for Caucasian Meditation. And he gets loose! Ever watch him on IG Live? He is animated, funny, soulful, no-nonsense... and he's a great guy. It must be the southern in him. But he was AWESOME when I met him in person. 
Lately, you've seen me talk about THE HOUSE. Well, 9th makes HOUSE MUSIC. Not just anyone can get on his beats. And it takes more than soul and good melanin. You gotta know WHO AND WHAT you are talking about before you touch a 9th beat.
9th is humble enough to make HOUSE music, yet disciplined enough to make a living from it. In my heart of hearts, I want to beg him to follow his heart. But I don't want to see him lose. I want 9th Wonder to win.

So there we are. 

Yin = Eminem

Yang = 9th Wonder

XXL said I'm a combo of Kanye West and Eminem. That's cool. But I'd like to be The Gothic 9th. That feels better.

Charles Hamilton: a mix of Eminem and 9th Wonder

Let that stew for a bit.

Love you, Anthony! 
Maybe you'll be at a family reunion...



Like I always do at this time...

For starters, this year is starting off GREAT professionally. Many opportunities, many promises, ...all toward the goal of making a living f...