The King Charles Era

The King Charles Era
New sound, new style, still the same loser.

King Charles Hamilton! King Charles the Hamilton!

No More Side Nigga Blues

The UNOFFICIAL 2nd single from Hamilton, Charles' Comma album.
Shouts to StarChaser Matteo for the upload.

As sexy as it is to be the side nigga, feelings are involved. I don't fuck (anymore). I make love. And I do it deep and well. So to go that far with a lady, only to be dessert to her TV dinner, is taxing and unfair.

I won't be doing it anymore.
So be upfront with me.

I don't care if you told me what the deal was.

Let me stop.





^ ^ ^ This might not be the last we see of Xarles. But Charles has died. Charles Hamilton, that is. The name comes with fame and pain. High ...