Meet ~Xarles~

Meet ~Xarles~
New sound, new style, still the same loser.


 I was gonna write a full essay on this, but to keep it hood, I'll keep it short. I don't like how the media and the hood both are trying to amp a beef between me and A$AP Rocky. We have many things in common, but we are not alike. I'm happy for all his success, and I'm sure he could hold Rihanna down better than I can. But to say he jacked my style with the kilts is a bit much. He's naturally a fighter, and I was wearing kilts looking for smoke (from the perspective of a white boy). I don't think he's worn black nail polish, but we've worn similar outfits before. 

As far as other rappers jackin my style, I'm used to it by now. I'd love it if they'd cite their sources (feels like I've said this before), but it's all good. It must be noted however that my style developed from surviving in the streets. When I first left home (The Bronx, with mom), all I had was a duffle bag full of pink and purple clothes. Maybe one other pair of jeans. I would wash them at my uncle's house (in Harlem). So I was particularly fresh, but it was the same clothes. I know how to dress.

Over time and with money, my style developed more. By the time you saw me in 2008, I was experimenting with my hair and dressing like a suburban white boy for real (button-down under a tee). I can give you a timeline, but that would be beyond the point.

Mainstream media doesn't know what beef is. Harlem just wants to see a fight. Neither are necessary. Rocky, it's all love. Would love to work with you, too. Holla at me.



Like I always do at this time...

For starters, this year is starting off GREAT professionally. Many opportunities, many promises, ...all toward the goal of making a living f...