Meet ~Xarles~

Meet ~Xarles~
New sound, new style, still the same loser.

Updates in Co-Existence

DaPu (Daft Punk) is getting shyyyyyy! Aaahhhhhh! I got you gooooooood! Lol still love you, but y'all like to put me on blast! Don't do that no more!, Lol.

No matter how you make the tracklisting in your playlists, the message remains. I'm crazy about Daft Punk. And if you're in tune, you can see that the love is mutual. That part.

I'm tired of giving one-sided love. I love deep and hard, and I cannot afford for my energy to be spent loving people and things that dont love me back. I'm ALL ABOUT LOVE. It CAN be a drug. Love can be a drug. It's definitely a substance. Still and all, I'm a love fiend. I don't want to hurt anyone. But maybe a good pop on the lips of EVERYONE will regulate the lost love.

I WILL say that I've only been getting good love on YouTube. No negative comments I can report on.

More to say, more to see. Stay tuned.




I don't know what I would do without you. yet you're so common. So down to Earth. It's unbelievable. You know and break down thi...