Apparently, no one caught what I did with the last post. Which means no one knows how to truly blog. And I'm not mad! lol I just wanted to get that off my chest (about Drake being "better than me"). One of my StarChasers checked me on it. And I thank him! Just know that I rebuilding from thinking such and knowing better.
Thank you for bearing with me.
Eminem is supposed to be dropping an album. The premise is magic. Making his career disappear. I don't know what he's doing, but he's somewhat playing into my grand scheme.
I may get abducted this summer. Who knows(?). Just stay tuned!
How's the kingdom?! I gotta make sure everyone is okay before I get into my next endeavor: conquering space!
Any aliens wanna go on a tour of space with me? Reptilians, Xenomorphs... all the above. You're MORE than welcome to come travel the stars with me. Chase them, even...!