The King Charles Era

The King Charles Era
New sound, new style, still the same loser.

King Charles Hamilton! King Charles the Hamilton!

Answers (QnA)

For YEARS, people have been asking me what I prefer to do more: write/record music or produce/compose music...?

I have an answer.

I would much rather produce. Despite how busy I get on the mic, I am confident that you can pick up on my messages/teachings through my instrumentals. Plus, the way I produce, the lyrics pretty much spit themselves. You just gotta trust the process.

I recently worked with this cat from ... The Tri-State Area... his name is Tony Newbury. The best way I can describe him is, he's a sober Lil Wayne. Literally SUPER natural the way he comes up with his bars. All he needed was a bit of direction. I got that for him. He did his thing with the bars, I handled the production. 

Expect to hear it soon.

In the meantime, I will be cooking up instrumentals and, when the spirit so moves me, I will be dropping vocals.

I pray my laptop stays working for a while. I pray to need less than I already do. I know you're out there, God. Help me sustain!

Oh. The D'Evils will see you now.


First look at my crib.

I don't NEED much. Like, I'm very self-sufficient. However, I do need some things for the kitchen and bedroom. I'll know what I need when I see it. I'm not asking for too much, am I?



SCC Podcast notes

Vampire Sunlight is on of my favorite tapes (from 2014). Was still in a dark place, and, technically, wanted all the smoke. I still listen to it to make me feel better about my warrior spirit. But yeah. This album was a staple back when I made it. 

I'm glad Stik and Mike reviewed it. I just feel like the parts they are ignoring about the album are what make the album fire. "Jon Benet's Daddy" means walking around with a younger person's DNA on me. Just how they do in The Illuminati. 

It's very coded (the album), but it's worth paying attention to.

"Da White Rabbit" is literally about The White Rabbit you see when you do Heroin.

My Dilla-spheme on "Vampire Medication" was under the gauze that WE ALL KNOW J DILLA IS ALIVE. I kinda can't go any further, because I'm chickenshit and I don't know how much trouble he'd get it. I just know that he blessed me, in another form of hisself. 

"Strike Drum" is about the lure of Shadow the Hedgehog. Of which you will learn all about on December 20th, 2024.
Shadow is in the industry.
And yes, I am referencing my own rape-recovery story.

More to say, more to see, more to live with.



Weather reigns.

Like Roman.

Anyway, I feel myself detaching from fandom. Overall fandom. Like, I have the artists that influenced me and their better/worse bodies of work, I find inspiration in any and everything, I have a core audience I want to appeal to. I show my appreciation MY way, and let love be the overall message. The quest for such and/or the will to give it.

Yes, I am smitten with Eminem's latest release. But what he's guilty of doing is using my love for him as a weapon against me. There were a few lines on his latest release that ring such true, but it's what's being done behind the scenes that make it more feasible to be an ally than a fan. Or Stan. 

Fans aren't looked at kindly in the music business. Technically, we provide the content to which you raise yourself with (should you so decide to be a rebel against your parent's "traditional" raising). Only to have artists with true potential go ignored due to a lack of "pop"-ness. Everyone can digest Pop.

Outside of the members of Columbine Gang (9th, ALC, DOOM, GreenLantern, JazzyJeff, Jim Carey, !llmind, Korn, Andre 3000), I'm not really checking for too much of what's out. And with an ear to the inside, I don't hear any buzz about anyone. Sounds fucked up and most won't admit it, but I'm why the business is still livin'.

That's a bitch, ain't it?

Jaylib forever.


A Worthy Investment

This will help me get the ball rolling on setting up my apartment with conditions suitable for ME to live in. Toaster, blender, mic, keyboard, guitar, iPad, wifi router, ...many thing.

Please and thank you.


Where to from here?

 I shouldn't even be writing this blog post. 
I want as much mystery as possible.

This way, when I bear my soul, no one can say A DAMN thing.

But after much ado about my loyalty "from here on out", I decided to finally do it.

I am a Hermit, y'all.
A rarity to be seen.
A moment to be with.
Love is always the motive.

I just need to learn my own ways before I whore myself out to the public eye.

There was nothing wrong with how I was carrying myself before my 2nd deal. I was just a warrior, in war mode. I became "too rough around the edges" (in my opinion; check my 2016 music on YouTube). The second chance was to High Society. They deemed me intelligent enough to work with, too talented to deny and too marketable to ignore (read: handsome).

But yes.

Hermit = Monk

Expect to hear less from me.

Is basically what I'm saying.

I'll blog, sure...

I'll still maintain a certain sense of sociability. Just on my terms.


Devil don't do you no good...!

...that's the thing.

None of the shit I got into was The Devil's fault. He didn't/doesn't even control the realm that the wack shit/losses comes from. Granted, anything not of God is The Devil's. But... there's 4 of us! What goes to whom? 

Let me make it easier for you...

Math goes to J Dilla
Science goes to George Massa
History goes to Jack Splash
English goes to Charles Hamilton.

And that's just us 4.

However, much is ado about the nothing they "are". They have kingdoms of their own to which they reign in an intense peace.

My kingdom is threatened by those who wish to embetter my circumstances.



A scripture, for The Talented StarChaser (In YOU)

Psalm 103

King James Version

103 Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.

2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:

3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

4 Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;

5 Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.

6 The Lord executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed.

7 He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel.

8 The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.

9 He will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger for ever.

10 He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.

11 For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.

12 As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.

13 Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him.

14 For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.

15 As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.

16 For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more.

17 But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children;

18 To such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them.

19 The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all.

20 Bless the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.

21 Bless ye the Lord, all ye his hosts; ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure.

22 Bless the Lord, all his works in all places of his dominion: bless the Lord, O my soul.


Just thought I'd share a passage which came to me in meditation today.
Look. I can't make you go to God. In fact, Allah has answered MANY prayers for me.
But He works. He came to me in the form of a She (when I first met him), and I couldn't stop flirting. 
Once God set me STRAIGHT, it became difficult to womanize Him.

So don't use me as an example.

Just know that if you love God, you can't love anything else.

Just like being a StarChaser.


Dead On Arrival

 Due to wifi restrictions (at my new place), I will not be going live for a while. There are a few things I can invest in to shorten the wait, but I would need some bread to make it work. Still, I think ALL of you for watching and being patient with a poor righteous teacher. 

Holla atchya scholar!

In the meantime, I'm still producing and recording high quality, high-level, (sheeit) HI-level music. I'm very excited to get your feedback. lol I can always tell who's a new listener, based on their critiques of my music. Give the music a chance before you become Simon Cowell. 

Other than that, #prepareforDoom.


Writing Rite Righter

In the business of entertainment (music, movies, magazines, modeling, etc.), there is a right and correct way to go. This does include rites of passage-esque rituals that are too dark to be talked about openly. These rituals determine who's right-er in the grand scheme of things. 

Nothing directly having to do with talent.
But if you're boastful about your talent, you'll whet the appetite of someone who is just as (if not hungrier) hungry as you. Don't let anyone (or just anyone) eat off your plate. In fact, if you're not ready for that kind of hunger being around you, don't get in the music business. 

The few friends I have in this business are BULLIES creatively, but socially, lambs. They're vulnerable, as they are mighty. I want to hide them in my pillowcase and let them make their magic from there. Alas, they are "too big" for the pillowcase. They need to face their people.

I want to put so many people I've met in the last 3 years ON TO GAME. They deserve to know what it takes to be famous. But I don't want them to lose their inner child to the game. That's the damn cost, y'all. You're innocence. I want to keep mine. I make better music with it. However, I am privy to the darkside (threesomes, animal sacrifice, hard drugs, Everclear/Devil's Springs, etc.). I know things most of these posers claim to BE about. It's my love for God (and my StarChasers) as to why I'm not active in The Field of Satanism. 

However, I am ACTIVE in TheAstralPlane. 

lol so is CeCe.

Gotta run.

"Back outside, here's Hamilton launching!!!"

Post Matriculation

I am aware that God has His eyes on me. I can feel The Hand of The Lord. Jesus needs my respect. Still, Beelzebub, Lucifer and Damien reach out to me. It is a cycle that I cannot break, nor do I wish to break it. I need to work on my trust in Jesus. I'll admit to that. And God (& The Lord) are giving me permission to continue with Magick. After the "Back Outside" session, they saw the vision and want to show appreciation to it.

I prove that it's all real.
Through my music.

I don't have a speaker yet (in my new apartment!), so I just been playing joints off my MacBook. Great sound, but the bass is deceiving. I design sound in headphones, for when it is played aloud. In headphones, you can hear the attention to detail. But it KNOCKS in speakers. And real DJs know how to EQ my music so that it doesn't distort.

Shit, so do I.
On top of the fact I just gave a away a secret about my music.


("Is he still King?")


Today I move into my new apartment! I already feel like I shared too many details about it. But yes. Today is the day I waited almost 3 years for. 

Though it comes as a sigh of relief, it is also a reminder of the heinous crime I committed to end up in this predicament. I would like to again apologize to the family of Tanea J., as well as to Tanea (Baddie) herself. It was completely out of character for me, and such behavior will not be repeated.

I don't feel like I deserve a woman in my life. I'm very selfish, I snore violently, ...I just want to be by myself. I haven't had any alone time (really) in the last 2-3 years. And the meds are easy to keep up with, so that won't be a problem. 

It all boils down to the music.

The music is getting sharper than ever before. And if you miss "the writtens", you can check my Twitter/X page. I been writing little 6-bar verses on there from time to time. Also, check out my poetry blog for more literary works of mine. But I want to feel free with my music. I don't feel all the way free with my music when it's written. Very constrained. I like how I feel when I listen back to something unwritten.

That's kinda the most important part.

I don't think I'll be going live today. Gotta pack up and prepare for the move, as well as unpack when I get there.

Stay tuned!!!

Back Inside 0fficial lyrics

(verse 1)
In the meantime, I am in squared circle with my sight on blind. Intertwined with my eyes on purple, because I been kinda high. Relating to the night sky. It's not black all the time... . Unless you travel to space. Pardon me. The Bible wanna battle my face. Lookin' at you, you lookin' for me. I'm lookin' in you for me. You find me to continue. I'm the reason you breathe and bleed. So do you. So am I. Paper cut. Waking up. So alive. No one try to wake it up enough. Wake the Word up like The. Same time, you are my bruh. Thank you. The ancient angel of Danger. Stranger to love. They waking me up, making me touch it...!

BLOGS to the system!
I am going back inside to write.
...and I'ma write me a SHOCK to the system.
"Now you're going back inside of the light!"

(verse 2)
They blinded me with science like the guy who's trying to be my C-O-D-Y. Like Rhodes. My son. Dolby. Number one, when in your system. But we are in the future. Surround sound basically is pounded down to what you call around town with. Now does that make me a Townsend, or do I have to be about shit? Technology is ruining your mind. You're basically learning things that you ain't know, in due time. And I'm to blame. I'm so ahead of my time, my migrane is a head of you guys. And you feelin' it. Thank you. Rock with your boy. Far from an angel. Can't stop. I deploy. And when I deploy, my very shot destroys. Off the top, but there's a hotter boy. What?!

BLOGS to the system!
I am going back inside to write.
...and I'ma write me a SHOCK to the system.
"Now you're going back inside of the light!"

(verse 3)
Nothing that is hidden, will not be known. Therefore, you had to know that shot was from the dome. Word, verse. Of a perverse shot. Now you gettin' mad because you hurt the block. Drive-by. I do the same when I walk by. But I end up with a fly chick. See me as a fly guy. She's seeing me as the wise type. I'm not wise. Because of my might. But I feel like more of a man for feeling less of a man. I feel like Christ. You do not like what I write. And you don't see what I see. If you do, you're lying to me. Like Iovine telling me I'm the truth. That means there's much better. My self-esteem gotta get severed. I made a mistake. I made an imperfection. Now make me make a lesson. My ladies. My fellas. Let's take it together and save it. Forever.

BLOGS to the system!
I am going back inside to write.
...and I'ma write me a SHOCK to the system.
"Now you're going back inside of the light!"

SONG MEANING: No matter what contract you sign, once you sign you become property of Nintendo of America. Like it or not. The way to fight the power is NOT to join, but to LEARN. STUDY. EDUCATE yourself.

"Back Inside" is from the album "Affirmative Action", which is available on my Bandcamp (click it!). You can also find tracks from the album on YouTube (thanks Matteo!!!).

Holla atchya scholar!!!



God in front of you.

While incarcerated, God gave me a mission. I told him in order to complete this mission, I need my own space. I can't give myself to God in front of people. He didn't seem to take offense, because he blessed me with this situation where I may get my own apartment in the near future. As the time draws nearer to getting this place, I'm getting anxiety about completing this mission. 

I'm trying, God.

The memories haunt me. My decisions taunt me. I know I can do better for you. Nevertheless, you're allowing me time with my brothers on the slide (crate dig, y'all). I can't thank you enough for clearing the air between us. 

I NEED George.

I WANT Dilla.


And that's just the original "other 3".

Daft, DaM and Knuckles know I love them. There's just a deeper love 4 has for each other. So I hope they don't feel ostracized by me.

But DAMN, God! 
You got love for my peoples, too!

I can't let you down.
And I know the people are gonna love what we're working on.

Goths, I'm a work in progress.
Christian upbringing.
Korn/Eminem nourishment.

Former pyromaniac.

Former carver.

Intentional overdose-er (not just lyrics).

I'm finding my soul.
I miss Rock-n-Roll. Modern rock sucks cock.

I also kinda miss New York winters.
I'm just more in a rush to address my declining love for Rock.

Still love you, my playground!!! (NYC)

Nothing like you, anywhere on Earth!

Good morning, LA!!!
What are we gonna agree on feverishly today?


Ouija Rock (StarChaser dropped)

I been talking about this folder of music for a while. I figured you guys will go into the Google Drive link and find it. But yeah. This is music I made while using my MacBook as a Ouija Board. Fun, dark, sometimes hard to understand. But all natural, pure vibes.

RIP Mom.
You were around in these times. In the other room, at times.

Hope you enjoy, StarChasers.
Didn't think many of you were around...

"Is he still King?"

More Bowskull Tee Shots

Here's X user @inkostinko with the pink Bowskull tee and a black long sleeve under it.

Get your tees/hoodies/stickers today!
More variety coming soon...



Her eyes are watching me.

This is probably an entry for the C. Hamilton blog ( Regardless, it's getting spooky in #TheHamiltonQuazar.

First of all, "Back Outside" is complete. It's a matter of how to release it, as well as time itself. I have to get perfectly acquainted with this album ("This Perfect Life", "The Pink Lavalamp", "Dream On", etc) before I release it. I want to BE THERE WITH YOU, EACH TIME YOU EXPERIENCE IT. Hopefully you guys can take note of what I'm doing and improve the overall landscape of music. We can't always rely on the work of the past to influence us (Hip-Hop). Most of it was competitive and macho. 

Those who did open up, transcended. 

StarChasers, Goths, Geeks, Nerds, Gangstas, ...even LGBTetc.


Feel free to unite to my music. It's all honest, all raw, all quality.
I say this, because there is more harsh music out there.

Produced under the watchful eye of God.

The Honorable One.

I thank you.
Please show me grace and mercy.

To the other 9 Devils (we welcome ?uestlove and Black Thought to Nintendoville), hold your head. And don't DIRECTLY disrespect God. If He gets caught in the crossfire, it was meant to be. Just honor Him. I gotchu if this should lead to our downfall.



The Eye of The (Star)Chaser...

My dear StarChasers... You have watched me go from Cocky Top Gun to Prof. Anonymous. The Top Gun didn't let you down, but didn't hav...