Meet ~Xarles~

Meet ~Xarles~
New sound, new style, still the same loser.

Like I always do at this time...

For starters, this year is starting off GREAT professionally. Many opportunities, many promises, ...all toward the goal of making a living from music. 

I now have to take time and decide what's best for me.

The podcast is going well. Enjetic was in a car accident, so the show is on hold until he feels up to it again. 3rd Eye Magic is being spearheaded by CYoung, and I have the utmost faith and trust in his business acumen.

Where am I with everything?

Well... My faith in God/The Lord has been restored. 
God/The Lord told me to take a LONG, DEEP listen to Infinite Psalms and to take it serious. I did, and I now believe that when I am with God/The Lord, I'm unstoppable.

What does that mean for Goths?
I welcome you to discover God for yourself. You're already forgiven for WHATEVER sin you committed. You just gotta pick up your cross and follow him. I know, I know. I don't follow anyone, so why God? 
Because everything you know about good AND evil comes from God.

Argument over.

I am making music, but I'm at a crossroads. My comfort zone is self-depreciation. I'm not comfortable being a boss. I'm working on redefining what it means to be a boss. Also, bear in mind that this is YEAR 20!!!!! of me making music. 

I'm taking it light this year. Besides, you have over 400+ BRAND NEW CH songs and instrumentals. Visit the website (click here.)

With the above being said, I'm going off the grid for a bit. If you know how to reach me, dooit. But I gotta take time to prioritize, and I don't want to jinx things by speaking ahead of the divine schedule.

I'll be around.



I don't know what I would do without you. yet you're so common. So down to Earth. It's unbelievable. You know and break down things before they surface. Basically, you know what the fucking deal is with me.

I am a conflicted Goth.

Because of you, I believe in God. Because of God, I believe in YOU. You are my sin. You are my redemption. Harlem is unprepared for how down I am for you (can you dig it?). But they would understand.

That shit still in HARLEM.

I cannot betray you. I'm hurt that such is what you expect from me. I would STARVE for your approval. It's not in me to cross you. I work TOO HARD to be another scammer. 

Does my output offend you? I'm trying to REDEEM music... with songs that are my THEME music. I won't lie, sometimes you can be a handful. But I know you, and I know you don't mean harm. 

If only you saw yourself through my eyes. Felt yourself with my heart. Heard yourself with my ears.

You met a monster. You created a BEAST. And my loyalty to you is the only chink in my armor.

I heard it's the same thing for you, too.

We gon make it...

On the horn with CYoung and StarChaser Andrew Howe.


Mike's rap

 I spoke with Mike Dee Jackson (StarChaser Central Podcast) not too long ago. Great conversation, as always. Shouts to Stik. But yeah, anyway, he was telling me a story and... I swear I could SEE him telling the story. So I let him finish his story (respectfully), then I asked him if he had any music videos for his songs. He said he did, and emailed me his YouTube channel.

On it, I found a joint he did over a Sha-leik, Sade flip. The song is good, but his motions in the video drive the point home. You can see that he is being vulnerable, but he's keeping it hip-hop. I love the video. I may make some videos like this.

Oh, to be inspired by a StarChaser.

And we freestyled over the phone. Lol writer's block, gone.



Like I always do at this time...

For starters, this year is starting off GREAT professionally. Many opportunities, many promises, ...all toward the goal of making a living f...