The Super Mario Bros. Movie is a 2023 computer-animated adventure film based on Nintendo's Mario video game franchise. Produced by Universal Pictures, Illumination, and Nintendo, and distributed by Universal, the film was directed by Aaron Horvath and Michael Jelenic and written by Matthew Fogel. The ensemble voice cast includes Chris Pratt, Anya Taylor-Joy, Charlie Day, Jack Black, Keegan-Michael Key, Seth Rogen, and Fred Armisen.
The film follows Mario (Pratt) and Luigi (Day) as they team up with Princess Peach (Taylor-Joy) to save the Mushroom Kingdom from Bowser (Black). The film was released in theaters on April 5, 2023, and received positive reviews from critics. It was a box office success, grossing over $1 billion worldwide.
The Super Mario Bros. Movie is the first animated film based on the Mario franchise. The previous film, a live-action film released in 1993, was a critical and commercial failure. The new film was made with the cooperation of Nintendo, and the cast and crew were all fans of the games. This resulted in a film that was faithful to the source material and that was enjoyable for both fans and newcomers.
The Super Mario Bros. Movie is a fun and exciting adventure film that is sure to please fans of the game. The film is well-made and features a great cast of voice actors. If you are looking for a fun and family-friendly film to watch, then I highly recommend The Super Mario Bros. Movie.
Here are some additional details about the film:
The film was announced in 2018.
Chris Pratt was cast as Mario in 2019.
The film was released in theaters on April 5, 2023.
The film received positive reviews from critics.
The film was a box office success, grossing over $1 billion worldwide.
I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
I haven't seen the movie, but they left out King Koopa. Highly inaccurate. Also, I didn't know Universal was behind The Super Mario Movie. That gives the movie a hellified push. If you know, you know.
I have been silently yet visibly distancing myself from SEGA. They are very limited in their thinking, and only about a buck these days. I am disappointed that my childhood dream is being deduced to a money-making franchise. This is part of the reason I don't want to get back in to the game.
I entered the game with my heart. I SUPER love Jimmy Iovine, Theo was like a big brother, Simone Porter was my heart, Eminem my idol, Dr. Dre goals, etc. When I got there, those I mentioned were cool, but those under them were calling the shots. I made music from the heart while on Interscope. The Hamiltonization Process was from the heart. I wrote StarChasers from the heart. It was from the heart that I was told to make free music.
Republic loved my free music, but management (name censored) only wanted the music from the in-house production team. I did the best I could while with them, and they wore me out energy wise. I remember I had just performed at Summerjam 2015 (NYC), and they rushed me, after my performance, to the studio to work on a record with me and Justin Bieber. I had no sleep from the night before, had to turn up onstage, dehydrated, medicated... and they want me to rap Busta fast on a lame ass beat.
Fuck it. I did it. And Bieber denied the record.
So much for energy.
I think the music I make on my own is epic. The mix on Computer Voodoo is bigger than the Hypergoth! mix. Still, people lean towards Hypergoth! because it was a "studio" mix.
Electronic Voodoo will give you the same thrill. This time, I won't be so sedated that I sound nasal-y.