Meet ~Xarles~

Meet ~Xarles~
New sound, new style, still the same loser.

picture perfect.

I feel like these are the pictures that actually and accurately describe how I feel. A pleasant individual that is tragically stand-off-ish. I know the description screams "poser", but I like to dress how I feel. I been feeling the darknees.

Alas, my Kufi doesn't agree with my UFOs. It would've been a helluva statement, but I guess it goes back to the origin of the Goths. They were the outcasts of Egyptian society. Yet again, that's how I feel. Perhaps with more prayer and meditation, I can convince Allah to let me wear my "crown".

And if not, I still have my 'fro. NO one can take that from me, unless I listen when "they" tell me to cut it. Sometimes it's voices in my head. Other times, these voices manifest themselves as people.

But it is what it is. I'm as happy as I'm allowed to be.

I miss New York. New York City. Upstate New York. Long Island. 
Like damn.




Like I always do at this time...

For starters, this year is starting off GREAT professionally. Many opportunities, many promises, ...all toward the goal of making a living f...