The King Charles Era

The King Charles Era
New sound, new style, still the same loser.

King Charles Hamilton! King Charles the Hamilton!

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 I'm proud of Hypergoth!. Fuck what anyone has to say about it. I put a lot of work in as far as the production, and every word/sentence/phrase can be used for white AND black magic(k). Honestly, it's a feeling. When you reach the peak of excitement and have to IMMEDIATELY suppress and repress it.

Thank you, Curtis Mayfield.

Oh. Maximize your understanding of the lyrics (once you get it, of course).

Thank you to all those that donated. Big, overwhelmed thank you. The music is being pumped at a massive, yet comfortable rate. And I hope you enjoyed the releases on YouTube. All of the music come with massive understanding and even bigger excitement. How can I EVER outdo The Hamilton, Charles Era?

Well, I tried it. Can't wait until you hear it...


Lovely LA

 I ain't been out and ab... ...pardon me. Came in the house wrong.

It's neither fear nor disgust, as to why I haven't been out and about lately. I've been cooking up (tunes), getting adjusted to living alone (again) and ...well, mostly cooking up. I had some ideas since PRISON that I wanted to lay down, and simply needed a comfortable environment to lay them down in. 

Pause, just in case.

My idea to write The Warrior's Bible (using lyrics from Catholic Illuminati: Infinite Psalms) got thwarted when Chris Rivera informed me that there already IS a Warrior's Bible in print. I allow God to speak through my StarChasers, so maybe it's a sign to create something greater.

You can expect to see me in DTLA in the near future. Once I get these thoughts out of my head, I'll be heading down there. With or without Jason, though I LOVE his company. lol

Sonic Movie 3
December 20th, 2024

The King Charles Era
...not too long after...


Random, but not quite.

 Rather, better time management.

I been speaking with Paris (P. Dunner, "best rapper alive" according to me on The Binge 1) about my feelings towards Sha-leik. I didn't say anything I don't want repeated, but I'm avoiding an altercation (though I am looking for a fight). I thank Paris for listening, but I should've said nothing. I do indeed know Sha-leik better than anyone else in Demev, and even with that being the case, I know what was said. 

Despite the fact the weed was laced.


All is well over here.

My priorities are in order.

I know what I'm doing, in other words.



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 I'm proud of Hypergoth!. Fuck what anyone has to say about it. I put a lot of work in as far as the production, and every word/sentence...