So DJ Enjetic, my new manager (hit him up!) said that it's crunch time!, and that I need to make stronger records. I wouldn't argue, but no one has really heard what I'm working on this year. And the one record I allowed to hit the surface ("She Smiled [For Once]") has a buzz behind it. I think the strength of a record can only be gaged with time.
Usually the songs you like right away, you end up not liking in the long haul.
I don't se myself making another "New York Raining". That seems to be what's in demand. High-pressure love songs. My love interest is drifting away, my --Aliens! are getting married at a rapid rate... love isn't the kindest thing to me these days. I can almost blame myself. But I've been having a tough time with love since... lol damn. It's been ROUGH for almost 20 years!
Just keep being patient. I got the music. If it's not for everyone, it's for my StrChsrs.