[Enter the Hamilton.]
At some point, you must believe.
Like I always do at this time...
I don't know what I would do without you. yet you're so common. So down to Earth. It's unbelievable. You know and break down things before they surface. Basically, you know what the fucking deal is with me.
I am a conflicted Goth.
Because of you, I believe in God. Because of God, I believe in YOU. You are my sin. You are my redemption. Harlem is unprepared for how down I am for you (can you dig it?). But they would understand.
That shit still in HARLEM.
I cannot betray you. I'm hurt that such is what you expect from me. I would STARVE for your approval. It's not in me to cross you. I work TOO HARD to be another scammer.
Does my output offend you? I'm trying to REDEEM music... with songs that are my THEME music. I won't lie, sometimes you can be a handful. But I know you, and I know you don't mean harm.
If only you saw yourself through my eyes. Felt yourself with my heart. Heard yourself with my ears.
You met a monster. You created a BEAST. And my loyalty to you is the only chink in my armor.
I heard it's the same thing for you, too.
We gon make it...
On the horn with CYoung and StarChaser Andrew Howe.
Mike's rap
I spoke with Mike Dee Jackson (StarChaser Central Podcast) not too long ago. Great conversation, as always. Shouts to Stik. But yeah, anyway, he was telling me a story and... I swear I could SEE him telling the story. So I let him finish his story (respectfully), then I asked him if he had any music videos for his songs. He said he did, and emailed me his YouTube channel.
On it, I found a joint he did over a Sha-leik, Sade flip. The song is good, but his motions in the video drive the point home. You can see that he is being vulnerable, but he's keeping it hip-hop. I love the video. I may make some videos like this.
Oh, to be inspired by a StarChaser.
And we freestyled over the phone. Lol writer's block, gone.
An innocent devil.
Lavalamps in black
Let me start by saying, I'm not mad at the review. Stik and Mike made good points about the highs and lows about the album. What I CAN say is, those who were involved for The PINK Lavalamp weren't around fr The Black ..., but they were still addressed.
I feel that "One Night Affair" was me stepping out of my comfort zone and actually trying to song. If you don't like the singing, that's on you. Technically on me, but I didn't hit a bad note. But yes. The lady of whom "Come Back To You" and "Latte" were about is now the lead love interest, with Toya being the mistress to MUSIC. There are a lot of references to my 2012 music, as well as foreshadowing and choosing an alternate ending for what has become known as #TheLavalampEra.
Making this album was fairly easy. I used beats from the folder I made TPL (Pink) with. It was a matter of continuing the story, FOR the perspective of the woman who was in my life AT THAT TIME (the making of The BLACK Lavalamp). It's all pretty confusing, but listen to both Pink and Black and I'm sure you'll be able to piece it all together.
A lot to do today. BBL (be back later).
Official Art Intelligence (is here!)
You can stream the album here, or check it out on Spotify/Apple Music.
The DJ Enjetic Show (feat. Charles Hamilton)
We are interviewing an up-and-coming artist that DJ Enjetic co-signs. I have a lot of faith in Enj, and I'm sure I can drop some jewels.
A Good Thing 0fficial lyrics
"I want to see things..."
God's creation is named SEGA.
God created SEGA through Asians.
To the tune of Jamaicans.
Nintendo is not of God.
It is it's own entity, FOUNDED in The US, named Nintendo of America.
With the purpose to insult.
Biases, be it racial, gender-based, geographical, etc., are merely games.
There can only be one winner.
And the fruits of one's labor aren't always evident in the eyes of the beholding.
"...the way you see things."
A word with James Baldwin
“Love has never been a popular movement. And no one's ever wanted, really, to be free. The world is held together, really it is held together, by the love and the passion of a very few people. Otherwise, of course, you can despair. Walk down the street of any city, any afternoon, and look around you. What you've got to remember is what you're looking at is also you. Everyone you're looking at is also you. You could be that person. You could be that monster, you could be that cop. And you have to decide, in yourself, not to be.”
Ouija Rock (the blog post)
Sometimes I embark on magical journeys, and don't tell the listener/reader what's going on. Sometimes I question magic, because I'm making it happen. In either event, this blog post is me treating my MacBook like a Ouija Board (like I did for the song folder "Ouija Rock"), and allowing the words to just flow right through me.
Lately, I've been binging on Halo (DJH2) beats. We compliment each other's styles PERFECTLY. Some days I wanna rave, some days I wanna be a homebody. I already recorded a Mastery tape using H2 beats (coming soon). And we share a particular technique on the turntables. The difference is, I credit him on opening my mind... and keeping it open.
I met Halo not too long after Dilla passed. I was hard on him when I first heard him, but over time (and with his "Beta Future" beat), I realized that he would be a necessary member of our (me, Sciryl and Kesed's) team. We're very close, and we can thank the power of music for uniting and reuniting us.
I met some cool cats while out here. Josh Pa$tel from the 2nd halfway house, Young Chip from 649, Richie Valley from ...The Valley (CA), ...a lot of driven and talented individuals who respect the craft. I won't lie, with this being year 20, I'm not in a rush to make new music. You guys have A LOT of catching up to do. And on an ironically hilarious note, I have sampled from EVERY album in my collection. It could be time for original production.
As reported earlier, I will be live with DJ Enjetic every Friday on The DJ Enjetic Show. Click here to subscribe. But yeah. I look forward to it. Real talk, good vibes, good friends, wisdom.
I just wanted to get some yes's and no's from my MacBook Ouija Board. I have the answers I need.
Thanks for participating!
WE LIVE!!!!!
Happy hunting!!!
An Aja-Monet sighting!
I didn't find out about this TinyDesk until this evening. And I am sooooo proud of Miss Aja-Monet. You may have first heard of her on "This Perfect Life", as she was the poet at the end of "Rosado". Well, I've known her almost 20 years now. I met her the same day I met Kesed and Sciryl. WAIT! It's 20 years THIS SUMMER!!! WOW!
Just depends on which ear you were listening with. Literally.
Keep killin' 'em to life!
Like I always do at this time...
For starters, this year is starting off GREAT professionally. Many opportunities, many promises, ...all toward the goal of making a living f...

Charles Hamilton: cocky, talented musician with big eyes for the music business Sonic the Hamilton: a musical hybrid of Charles Hamilton, So...
^ ^ ^ Click the pic. You're welcome. update: behind the scenes! More footage to come. update: meet Hamilton, Charles . Pronounced Hamilt...